Tuesday, December 26, 2006


So my Christmas actually started on Saturday ..when I went to the Cirque Du Soleil with #1 Niece, Jack (her hubby), The Boy, #2 Niece (#1 Niece made her come...and I'm glad I don't get to see her nearly enuff), The Kid and hubby Billy, #1 Niece's MIL & BIL, SIL & Hubby, Stacy and Lisa (both friends of #1 Niece & The Kid) , Lisa's Hubby John and their daughter Shelby..oh yeah Lisa's Mom was there too...so it was quite a crowd...The show was probably my favorite of all the ones we've gone to see.... I loved the music and the acrobats were really good (as always)...I could actually follow this story line (not always the case with the other ones we've gone to)..It had everything from little people to giants....good looking young guys in tights and lots of angels.....if you haven't ever seen one of the Cirque Du Soleil shows you really need to make an effort... It's something special... Thank You #1 Niece again for giving me a ticket to go...

Sunday I got up early and went to the gym and worked out again with Debra & Paige...we worked legs this time and again I pushed myself...felt good when I left... Went home and cleaned the house and got ready for the family to come over. This year I didn't make dinner but asked each girl to bring a dessert or snack to go along with the cookies I baked ...I made a hot cider drink (with rum) to drink..it's a drink I usually have when I'm backpacking and it's cold...everyone likes it...
and we ended up with lots of goodies to eat...
Usually I go all out and buy the grandkids lots of presents and then can't remember what I got them...this year I only bought each one of them one present and a small bag of goodies that they get when they arrive to tide them over until we actually open presents..but first we eat goodies. The Boy read The Christmas Story...I do think it's important that kids understand why we have Christmas...and it's become a tradition that someone reads the story before we open presents...
It's soo much fun to watch the little ones open their presents.. they each have their own personality and talents....The Boy (#1 Nieces son) and Bubba (my grandson) are 9 months apart (the Boy being the oldest) at 8 they are getting so grown up but the little boys in them comes out when they are together...one of their favorite things is to wrestle. I love watching them.. then there are the girls...Lil Bit (my granddaughter) & Mini MeMe (#1 Niece's daughter) are 6 months apart, Lil Bit being the oldest and are all girls..it's fun to watch the four of them together...I think they had a good time and seemed to like all of their presents...and not mind that they didn't get as much as they have in the past..in fact they were able to play with what they did get more....

Altho we said NO Presents for the adults....I gave the girls (#1 Niece & The Kid) a picture frame with the picture that was taken of them together when they were 7 & 5 years old..in it they are both wearing matching pink dresses and look soo sweet..I just realized lately that they don't have many pictures of themselves when they were little...so I went to the CVS and made copies and framed them...They seemed to like the pictures....I thought they turned out good..

AND The Kid gave me a gift certificate to WalMart (which will come in handy) and #1 Niece gave me a gift certificate to REI (so much for no presents for the adults)...and my freinds Debra & Paige gave me a gift certificate to Dick's Sports..so I'm all taken care of for a while ....
Bubba gave me a really neat necklace that says GRANDMOTHER ROCKS which I really like.
When the kids left I had them take most of the goodies with them...I did keep the nuts and a few cookies (which are already gone). It was a good night...

Christmas Morning...I woke up and could barely move...every muscle in the lower part of my body was screaming...I rolled out of bed and then had the torture of trying to sit on the toliet..I knew I shouldn't have done all of those lunges...(it's the getting down that kills me) they get me everytime...Then I made the mistake of standing on the scale....oh my Gawd..I now weigh 183 pounds....ok..it's not the end of the world...I can lose this extra weight...I will not cry..I will not give up...so I go into the kitchen to feed Spot & Rover (Rover was not acting right the night before) and BOTH of them were floating at the top of the bowl....How sad is that ....both my fish died on Christmas Day...I can't even keep pets alive...now I'm really feeling sorry for myself....I fixed myself a couple of waffles with blueberry syrup...and a big cup of Hot French Vanilla Chocolate to soothe myself....then I finished off all of the cookies that were left from the night before...and was looking around for more to eat...The Kid had invited me over to their house for Christmas Dinner but I truly feel that is their day and didn't want to go...so decided that I would treat myself and get out of the house and go see a movie...I've been wanting to see Aragon..I read the book when it first came out and was interested to see just how much of the book they could put into a movie...It always surprises me to see how many people actually go to the movies on a holiday....The movie was alright...definately not as good as the book and I probably won't go see the next one altho I have read that book and am looking forward the to the third one...I don't know if I would actually recommend the movie...but then I never like the movies as well as the book...it was a rainy depressing day but I got through it..
I watched a movie last night on tv with Linda Hamilton who is a housewife who gets dumped by her husband of 23 years for a 27 yr old personal trainer and ends up being homeless and has to live in her car.(while still wearing her designer clothes and looking really good).. and of course she meets this really gorgeous hunk and everything works out for her....So why can't my life be like the movie? I know, I know....if I looked like Linda Hamilton then I won't be where I'm at today....
I go back and forth being depressed and boosting myself up....I know what I have to do to get this extra weight off and to find a job..it's just the doing it that's HARD...

Any HOoooo..Christmas is over...Today's The Boy's birthday...he's 9 yrs old..how time flies and I will be going over to #1 Nieces this afternoon...
I'm still muscle sore today..but at least I don't move like an old granny...it's still gray and dreary out ...but I'm going to treat myself with a spinach salad and salmon with crabmeat stuffing...then go over to #1 Nieces and visit with some good people...

I hope ya'll Christmas was the best....


Shelly said...

Glad you shared the holiday with the most important people in your life. Hang in there, Sue, I know things are going to happen for you in 2007! Make sure you stay with the program. And yell if you need help.

Shelly said...

oh, and I will post the recipe for brussel sprouts with apples and onions!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an eventful holiday! I always loved it when my nieces wore their beautiful Biscotti Dresses, for the holidays. Keeping with the old traditions...

Suzann said...

Sue - Happy New Year. I hope you are well, know that I am thinking of you. One ending is the path to a new beginning. On to 2007 - hugs to you, dear Sue.

Smiles said...

Happy New Year.