Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hodge Podge of thoughts today..

Spacey Lacey must be visiting today because I have soo many things going on in my mind that I can't settle down for one subject...sooo

Today would have been Lar's and my 15th wedding anniversary... Now we were together since 1980 but got married in 1990... We didn't want to rush into anything... LOL... For some reason I could never remember our anniversary date. His Mother would send up a card and then I would call the Kid to find out what the date was... It's funny about his Mother, she would never stay at our house until after we got married & I never got a card of any kind from her... then we got married and all of a sudden it was like... OK...tooo wierd... I always felt like Lar & I belonged together, whether we had a paper to say that we did or not... I'm doing all right as far as not being depressed today... it truly does get easier ... not that I don't miss him (I do more than words can say), just that I know that being depressed won't make it any better... soooo

On to other things..
I read an article today about how to keep from getting wrinkles & puckers in your face... Well, it's too late for me and I wasn't happy to see that my sucking all of my water through a straw for the past 10 years has led to these little wrinkles around my mouth... what gives with that? That is one of the main reasons I never took up smoking.... I've seen those women with the wrinkles due to smoking.... come on everyone knows that smoking causes wrinkles!!!! I've been so relaxed thinking I was doing all the right things so I won't look like my sister or my Mom, both are pretty wrinkly, and have just noticed lately that I'm getting "laugh lines" around my eyes and when I pucker up I've got these wrinkles around my mouth... (yeah, go ahead a laugh... picture me in the morning looking in the mirror and puckering up, practicing just in case I ever need to pucker up with someone)
Any way this article says that sucking through a straw is the same as sucking on a cigarette... and if you stop and think about... damn they're right... So now what do I do... everytime I grab my water bottle I have to think to my self "DON'T PUCKER"....

I knew there was a reason I shouldn't of given my phone # to that guy the other night. He was suppose to meet me at the gym Monday night...Well needless to say He Didn't Show... I bet his name isn't even David and he doesn't even Play racquetball... Doesn't look like men have changed much in the last 25 years since I was on the dating scene... Have I learned my lesson? Probably not, especially since I'm planning on going to the same bar with #2 Niece this weekend.... If I see "DAVID" I think I'll just accidently stomp on his toes with my 4" heels..
I'm going to get my hair done on Saturday so I will be looking HOT, so if he is there, he can just Eat his Heart Out... because if there is one thing I won't tolerate it's A BIG FAT LIAR.
Well, glad I got that out of my system... yes, I do feel much better!!!

I finally did it! I signed up for 2 (TWO) 5K races!!! I've actually sent in my registration & check so there is no turning back now.... It's something I've been wanting to do since I started running but wasn't convinced I could really run a 5K.... I talked #1 Niece into running with me on the 25th, that's just a little over a week from now... Hey, we get a TeeShirt if nothing else... Seriously, I think it will be fun and I need to do this so I can get myself in shape for running the 1/2 marathon which is my ultimate goal. I CAN DO THIS!!!

Last night we said goodbye to Sweet Suzy McNeal.. I really liked her, loved her voice, and was hoping against all odds that she would become the next lead singer...I really think She rocks!!! Oh well, that leaves MiG, Marty & JD. Next week INXS will pick the winner.. I like the way MiG looks, altho he is so damn skinny, he gets my heart started when he rips off his shirt. Marty looks like a ghoul, but it was way too cool to see him break up the guitar on stage last night (Talk about a Rocker) and I love his song "Trees".. Then there is JD... I don't see where the attraction is with him... he can sing (when he's not doing his Elvis impression) but I just don't like him... sooo saying that I imagine he will win..... Oh well, right now I'm not that crazy about any of them.. I think the group made a big mistake not picking Suzy...


Anonymous said...

How the hell am I supposed to drink through a straw without puckering?!?

Hey, do you ever feel like we're the only ones who read each other's blogs?

Lady Sue said...

#1 Niece, yeah, but I get all these damn anonymous ones so it looks like someone is actually reading my blog.... ROTFLMAO

I read alot of other Blogs but never leave a comment.... hmmmm just maybe there is life out there besides Anonymous'asssss