Monday, March 06, 2006


1. I am not the Numbers on the scale.

2. When I’m 100%, giving it my all, I am unstoppable

3. I will be proud of my strengths and nurture them.

4. I will remember that Negative thoughts will NEVER help me; they can only hurt me.

5. Remaining Optimistic will help me experience joy and live the life I want.

6. I will be patient in steadily working toward my goal, remembering that all good comes in time.

7. I will take one step at a time. That is how I will reach my goal of being healthy & fit.

8. I will resist anything that takes me off my chosen path to be the healthiest and fittest that I can be.

9. I will be content to be simply myself and not compare or compete with others.

10. I am not in control of others, but I am in control of myself and how I chose to live.

11. I am naturally beautiful when I am myself.

12. I will allow myself to believe that I am beautiful.

13. I will let go of the need to prove myself to others.

14. I will not let my expectations distort my experience.

15. I will believe that I deserve to be fit & healthy.

16. Self-Love is my birthright.

17. I will be proud of myself for all I have accomplished no matter how small or great.

18. I choose to make the best of what I have. I am brave, I will survive.

19. I will take the time to see myself being happy.

20. I will not feel guilty for caring for myself.

21. Every choice I make will teach me something and whenever I learn something, there is success not failure.

22. I am free to be all that I can be.

23. I will keep working at reaching my goal, no matter what. I am almost there.

24. I will not give up.

25. I will live my life the way I want to be remembered.

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