Wednesday, February 15, 2006


This past Saturday I went over to #1 Nieces so she could do the pinch fat test on me...and altho the scale doesn't show that I have lost weight, the numbers are there for me to see in black & white..

Jan 8 weight was 170#s & body fat was @ 37% (63# fat & 107# muscle)
Feb 11 weight was 169# and my body fat was @ 32% (55# fat & 114# muscle) soooo if my math is correct I lost 1# on the scale but accordingly to the body fat test I actually lost 8# of fat and gained 7# of muscle...
I also measured myself and I have lost 2" on my waist & 3"s on my hips...

It's hard for me not to get impatient for the numbers to move faster but at least I now know that altho the scale isn't moving I am doing something right..because it's not all about getting to a smaller weight but about building muscle so I can maintain my weight once I reach my goal...also I have to reimind myself that muscle burns more calories than fat...

I think some of this angst that I'm going through is due to what I read about how you should lose at least 1 to 2 pounds a week...well that just isn't happening with least not on the scale but if I look at the numbers then I can see that I am losing...

I was ready to give up on my new Plan...thinking it wasn't working but Now I think I will give it another months try....I still feel it's a pretty good plan...just have to factor in the fact that I am gaining muscle so the scale won't move as fast...

I have said from the first that I will lose this weight Slowly to give my body & Mind a chance to adjust so that it never comes back....

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