Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sunday & Monday

Just to let you know I HAVE been journaling EVERY single bite I take (and it's hasn't been easy)in my lil black book with the whale on the front...just missed a couple of days here...
Sunday wasn't a good day for me as far as eating...I did write down EVERYTHING I ate...it wasn't totally bad but not as good as I hoped... I went running in the morning with #1 Niece in the morning...we only did one time around the lake (3 Miles) I was sucking wind like crazy...not sure what was going on there? I couldn't finish working on the yard because the *%$## lawn mower won't start again..Got to get it checked out before spring...and I really don't want to rake yet...Had to get out of the house so I went to the gym in the evening and played some racquetball with a friend I haven't seen in awhile...she has a really fast ball so it was a good practice for me...I know I should have taken a day off but I felt like if I stayed at home I would just keep eating...

Yesterday Monday was a little better until evening
6:30 PD/vit & supplements
10:30 Kashi hot cereal & banana
12:30 Avocado/spinach/turkey wrap, pickle & 1 cup grapes
3:00 string cheese
5:25 almonds & kashi bar
8:30 sugar snap peas
9:00 p/b honey wrap
9:15 a truffle I found in the freezer...what the hell was it doing there and why didn't I just throw it away?
9:30 Amys rice & brocolli 3/4 eaten and felt full so threw away the rest...
Water drank 4 24 oz bottles plus and 16 oz of green tea...
20 mins stretching
3/4 hr racquetball
3x20 sit ups

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