Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talk about music!!!

I watch very little TV but on Tues nites I make sure I'm home in time to watch Rock Star SuperNova ...last year it was Rock Star INXS and of course the one guy I couldn't stand won but this year I think my favorite actually has a chance of winning....SHE so ROCKS...I would pay money to go see her even if she doesn't win the spot with SuperNova...
From the very first show Dilana has grabbed my attention...not once has she given a bad performance...everytime I see her I think WOW....Not only is she a knock out in looks (I absolutely love her hair and yes that is face piercing) to me she can sing like no end....I can't help but rock everytime I hear her....and she is so damn sweet and supportive to everyone on the show....Nice, Cute and can Knock out a song!!! What more could SuperNova ask for...

My least favorite who also has a chance of winning is Lukas....he has had a couple of performances that I liked but I just think he's a spoiled brat personality wise....

If they don't get rid of Jill tonight I will be totally shocked...this girl has the stage presence of a toad....I'm not sure why they've kept her on so long....hopefully I won't have to be tortured with listening and watching (altho I usually get up and leave when she's on)... The time she sang with Gilby Clarke (who I think is way tooo cool and sexy looking as all get out) she tried the bump and grind with him and he called her out on it....I'm sure she is a short timer...thank god!!!

No one else really stands out for me..they are all nice looking guys & girls and can all sing but they just don't seem to really stand out like Dilana does....but then in my opinion no one can compare to her....

If you haven't watched this show yet be sure to tune in next Tues at 9 can tune in tonight but it's elimination night and I don't really watch much of it...besides it's on at 8 pm which a little early for me...

1 comment:

NoRemorse42 said...

I agree. Dilana has been my favorite since day 1. I can't really see anyone else fronting that band. Lucas is OK but yeah, he seems like a spoiled little punk.