Sunday, August 13, 2006


I went out last night with #2 Niece to Sweetwaters (a local bar) to support her friend Herb's band "Whiskey Vomit Shit" in a Battle of the Bands contest...Now as you can probably tell by the bands name this is PUNK rock and not exactly what I would call my type of music...more like loud yelling with lots of Loud drums and all sounds pretty much the same to me but I do think they are good at it....I for one couldn't sustain the level of energy that is needed for thier performance...(btw Herb's band won...yay!!!)
Anyway watching #2 Niece (who looks so much like the Nieces Mom, my sister Linda with her long red hair) head bang to the music in a smoke filled room it flashed me back to when we were her age (in our early 20's) and we used to go out to bars and just plain party all night to good old rock n roll....I remember the energy we had, that feeling that this night was ours and the the world was ours to take....I could see that same energy in the crowd around me last night...the music might be differant, the way they dress might be differant but basically the young are the same no matter what...

I sat back and enjoyed just watching #2 Niece and her friends. And altho I envy them thier energy and zest for life, I don't want to go back to that time in my life. I'm pretty satisfied where I am...They have so much life to experience yet...they are just beginning thier lives...and I sound sooo old (well Hell I am old compared to them) and yet I still feel that I have so much life to live and experience priorties may be differant than they were 30 years ago but believe me I'm far from being done with this life....


Joy Des Jardins said...

Sometimes it's just nice to see that it's okay where you're at in your life, isn't it Sue? Some people don't accept these life changes gracefully. It only tells me that you're happy with who you are, and that's all that matters.

Suzann said...

Hi Sue - finally got some time to catch up - you are one busy woman - loved reading - take care. S.

Shelly said...

Good old fashioned rock n roll.... it always brings back sweet memories. And one of the thrills of having "teenagers" in the house is the music they bring in! And my older son listens to alot of "classic rock." I love listening to their music too! I remember one of my son's friends commenting that our house was the only house where there was always music on. Then he asked if he could borrow my Joe Jackson CDs.