Monday, June 05, 2006

What I learned this past weekend!!!

I had a GREAT weekend but I definately learned a few things....

1. When sharing one umbrella in a rain storm with winds a part of you will still get wet...
Yep, you guessed it... the Jazz Festival got rained on...Being the nice person that I am I shared my umbrella with Lamont...we tried snuggling together but the rain kept dripping off the ends and getting our legs wet and then the winds came up and we decided to forget it and go to a club...

2. I don't like wet soggy sandals!!! so on my way to the club, I decided to stop off and buy a new pair at for some reason my freinds found this to be "strange behavior"...I would have bought a whole new outfit since my capri's were soaked too but I only allowed myself 15 mins in the store...went right to the shoes...found a pair of wedgie sandals that I absolutely love and walked thru the womens clothing on the way to the check out but did not see anything that struck me as something I really wanted I thought I did good to get the new shoes...I was in & out in my allotted 15 mins...I do not see anything "strange" about this seem perfectly normal to me!!!

3. I love Valet Parking... especially when it raining hard and you have new shoes on...

4. Some Men will hug anyone that asks to be hugged.... OK so I'm waiting for my truck to be brought to me at the end of the night and there was this group of people hugging good bye and there was this one guy who was REALLY I asked him where my hug was...he just smiled big and held his arm open....He was a great hugger...I might just have to go back to that club...see I'm really am trying to become more open to new freinds...(ya don't think I might be overdoing it do ya?)

5. A hike is still a workout even if you are a "Social Hiker"... We ended up hiking for 7 hrs on Saturday and most of it was going up hill...I was just glad that I decided to be with the Social hikers. It was a GREAT hike and believe it or not most everyone was around my age, a couple even older...It gives me hope that I can be fit at 60 (just a few years down the road)and still live this active of a life...Good people...The view was so beautiful when we got to the top of the mountain..I could definately see why they are called the Blue Ridge Mountains...I am soo glad I went.

6. When you have 3 women and one guy spending 13 hrs together you really get to know each other... I car pooled with my Friend Cathy from the gym (a school teacher)(who's vehicle we ended up taking), Evonne (an OR nurse)and Wayne (a photographer)...all single and between 46-50 years. Talk about learning a few things about being single...especially from Wayne who has never been married and has traveled around the world...nice guy...Cathy really liked him but she isn't his type (none of us were, he likes them young in their late 30's) and he was really nice about how he told her that...He wasn't my type and I told him right off so we had a blast together just goofing off and relaxing around each really takes the pressure off you once you know that you don't have to play any games and you can just be yourself...

7. Sometimes it's a good thing to be a vegetarian the four of us went out to eat at the Dillard House in Dillard GA after the was an experience for me since they bring out all this food (country style) and you serve it yourself..there is no ordering... every table gets the same thing...They start out by bringing this little plate of sliced catalope, melons & tomatoes..I could have eaten the whole thing by myself but it was to serve 4. then they start to bring out the Meat....Lots of meats on BiG Platters...Fried Chicken, baked chicken, Ham, Prime Rib...then they bring out these little bowls of veggies, carrots, asparagus, corn on the cob, green beans in some kind of grease, an acorn squash souffle (which was good) and fried ocra (sp?)(which I don't eat) all this for $21 per person..Oh yeah, I'll get to the dessert later..anyhooo...once everyone realized that I don't do meat they were all trying to give me their veggies...when someone mentioned it was an all you can everyone started sending the servers back for more veggies...and when they did bring it, they brought it in bigger bowls.The dessert was a little bowl of blueberry cobbler with ice cream... since I don't do ice cream I asked them to bring mine was such a lil bowl I think there was probably a total of 5 blueberries in the whole thing...good thing I filled up on the veggies...Oh yeah, Wayne got me a discount on the price since I didn't eat any of the meat...I only had to pay $16 to eat veggies...How funny...but I have to say the atmosphere of the place was really cool...I love being in the mountains...They had a banjo picker outside and we sat for awhile listening to him...It was fun..

8. I'm not ready to DATE...After listening to the three of them talking about all their struggles with dating I have come realize that I was right in the fact that I'm Not ready for any serious dating at this time...I'm just having fun meeting new people..

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