Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I am now EMPLOYED!!!

Yep...I got a job and I start tommorrow...whooohoooo....

I decided that I didn't have the skills or motivation that were needed for an office job so I decided to put to use the one thing that everyone says I have...Personality....and do something totally differant than I have ever done before....yep..I went out and got a job in sales...I am now a Sales Counselor for LA Fitness...

It will be a lot of work and long hours at first until I get trained and am as good as Eugene..the top salesman ....but I know I can do this...I'm sure I'll get discouraged and hate it at times but what the heck..I would any job I got..so I might as well be in an environment that I love..And I always love being at the gym...

It's commission and so how much I earn is up to how much I want it...and how hard I work at it...
I think I have a lot to bring to the company...and so did the Vice President of the Georgia Region who hired me today...

And I get FREE membership to the gym!!!

I'll have to work extra hard on losing this weight because all of my clothes are wrong for this position and I have to go out and buy new ones....and ya'll know how I hate buying new clothes... NOT.....I think I get to hold it off on my taxes...

I'm on my way out to dinner with a friend from the gym to celebrate..good thing about her is that she eats healthy too...she used to be a super model...so I don't have to worry about overdoing it on the food or drinks...just enjoy good company...

Thank you all for your support in my struggle...
A NEW LIFE begins again for me...


Shelly said...

WOOOOHOOOOOO! You go girl! I hope this works well for you. A new career-- it really sounds like the perfect job for you. Free membership too-- how cool is THAT. I am psyched to hear more about your adventures in LA Fitness Land. Big Congrats Sue.

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl. Happy for you. I'm sure you will make it work.
Good Luck, do keep us posted.

Joy Des Jardins said...

CONGRATULATIONS Slem!!!! I couldn't be happier for you; and I know you'll be wonderful. Your determination and drive will be what make you successful. What good news....well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job.

I have just spent the last three hours reading all your blogs (Can I use you as an excuse for not doing my morning exercise routine?)

Thank you for sharing your embrace with life your spirit has touched me.

Gives you a big hug.