Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Going back to Basics

Goals....sometimes I wonder why I set them..In the last three years I've set alot more goals than I've actually met...so does this mean I should stop setting them..Am I just setting myself up to fail?

Back on June 12th I set a goal to get to 161 pounds by the time I ran the P'tree Road Race...didn't happen...in fact I didn't lose any weight..I gained 3 pounds...Sure I did good for the first week but who knows what happened after that..I had such good plans and intentions....

If I really sit down and take a serious look at where I am, mentally & physically, I know what the problems are..and I can come up with these great plans on how I'm going to change it but when it comes to actually doing it for a period of time thats when things go awry and I get complacent... I tell myself that I'm not the only one that does this..but that is just an excuse...It's so FREAKIN' easy to make excuses and believe me I can come up with Lots of them.

I keep telling MYSELF that I know I can do this...I HAVE DONE IT IN THE PAST..proof of that is looking at myself in the mirror and not seeing a woman that weighs over 200 pounds...BUT I'M STILL NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE....

So back to Step ONE...When I first started losing weight and getting fit my main goal was to get thru ONE DAY at a time..one pound at a time...I told myself that I would only go forward...never backwards and time was not important...what was important was that I did my very best and IT WORKED!!!!
Then I started to set goals with time limits...for me this just doesn't work..it only frustrates me...the Evil Eva in me says "why even try...you know you will only fail" But I know I can do anything for ONE day so Back to Basic I go..

I know one of my BIGGEST problems is the mindless eating I do at home after I get home from the gym...I tell myself that I've tried everything to break this routine (not true there is always something else you can do) and I will do good for a week but then I'm right back at it...this has been a problem for over a year and I hear the lil voice in my head telling me that I can't change it..I'm out to prove that lil voice wrong...My motto for TODAY is "don't tell me I can't". I will conquer this problem.
I have moved Spot & Rover onto the kitchen counter..this gives me less room to put food on and every time I get something to eat I feel someone is watching me...I never have problems eating the way I should when there is someone is around...also I've started taking my amino's when I go to bed at 11 pm and I need an empty tummy to do that so I will Not eat anything after 9 pm...MY KITCHEN CLOSES AT 9 PM....I'm thinking about having a sign made up that says that...I've done good for the past 2 days/nights and my mantra is "all you have to do is get thru today"...


Cindy said...

Hi Slem, I really identify with your personalities. But I have not seen my Sexy Sue in several years. Mostly Evil Eva, Moanin Mona and the Spacey one. But I agree with your staying in the "one day" frame of mind. So far it has worked for the past three days for me now and these past three days seem like an eternity for some reason. For years I have set deadlines for weightloss and I think I rebel against them. Because often instead of losing I gain. But one day seems easy right now. You'd think I would have caught on to the one day deal having been around programs that stressed one day at a time, but for eating, well, I guess it was exempt from the one day at a time theory. Anyway I am glad I found your blog. And Thanks for the comment on mine.

Joy Des Jardins said...

That mindless eating is a killer, isn't it Sue? I know...I do that too. Your plan to stick to one day at a time...that's the key. I tell myself that all the time. Do I stick to it...NOPE! You have a stronger determination than I have...from what I can tell. I've been working on it lately, and I'm going to continue. Keep at it Sue....go back to your basics...they won't let you down. You've done so well and should feel so good about what you've done. Don't get down on yourself now....this too shall pass.

Shelly said...

We all backslide. Most important thing is to get back on track, and make your goals realistic. One day at a time, baby steps. You WILL get there!