Wednesday, November 30, 2005


You guessed it.. I went to the gym last night...but I did compromise with EE & MM and took my book with me and read while I did 45 mins on the bike... I had planned on running on the tm soo this is good for me...almost like a "rest" right?
Ok I did do some weights but just 3 sets for those ugly triceps & biceps and I did do 3 set of bench presses but that's all.... oh yeah, I forgot... I did some ab workout too but not as many as I usually do...only 3 set of crunches, obliques, and my favorite ..the dreaded standing on that machine and pulling your legs straight up (not quite sure what it's called but it sure works on the lower abs) but I promise that's all.. My bra was soaked by the time I got done but I wasn't tired at all and I did get home in time to watch the Biggest Loser and work on my puzzle...

I got to thinking that I won't be able to run on Sunday since I have the Granddaughter coming to spend the night with I will get a day of rest this week....of course running after a 2 year old is a workout in itself....
More about that later

1 comment:

PartTimeMom said...

Nope - haven't convinced me... that wasn't rest. I'm not giving you the 'hands on the hips one eyebrow raised' LOOK
